CAMWorks for Solid Edgebrings proven, state-of-the-art machining capabilities to Solid Edge users. Since it is accessible directly in the Solid Edge window, CAMWorks for Solid Edge provides a consistent user interface and eliminates time-consuming file transfers. With Geometric's patented Feature Recognition technology running in real-time to capture machined features and automatically generate or update the toolpath, manufacturing-driven design changes can be made to any CAD model using synchronous technology, a unique capability which combines the speed and flexibility of direct modeling with the precise control of dimension driven design. This dramatically streamlines what has traditionally been a time-consuming process. The solution also captures the machining strategy in a customizable database, TechDB, thus allowing efficient machining solutions to be reapplied to future designs with similar features, further enhancing productivity.CAMWorks 2023combines the benefits of a fully integrated CAD/CAM system with advanced programming technologies such as feature-based programming, automatic feature recognition, knowledge-based machining and TechDB for storing and reusing best practices.